Connect Family Solutions offers mediation with respect to parenting plans. Mediation is a voluntary process where a neutral person assists the family in discussing and resolving their issues and concerns. It is faster, more cost effective, and often results in less of an adversarial atmosphere.
At Connect Family Solutions we have experience and expertise in working with families who have children and are therefore able to assist families in mediating a parenting plan that is not only in their children’s best interests but is also mutually acceptable to both parents.
If the parents reach agreement on some or all of the issues, the mediator will prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (Parenting Plan) with respect to the issues agreed upon. If the parents fail to reach an agreement, no report will be written.
Are you also looking to mediate issues with respect to finances and property? Connect Family Solutions has partnered with Gail Belchior at Money Matters Services & Solutions – Financial Divorce Solutions who has special expertise in these areas. Connect Family Solutions will mediate your parenting plan, while Gail Belchior will mediate your property and financial issues. This way you get the right expert for the right issue. Ask us for more information.